Jennifer Pullman

From an early age Jennifer visited many Melbourne beaches as well as the Brighton Beach Baths, Port Melbourne pier and beautiful peninsula surf beaches.  Further inspiration by the Heidelberg School painters of local beaches particularly Beaumaris, Sandringham and Mentone sealed her appreciation of Australian art and her desire for painting marine subject matter.  Jennifer studied drawing and painting with private tutors in Melbourne and continues to work plein air as well as in the studio. She has exhibited in several art exhibitions and various galleries.

Jennifer paints primarily in oil and presents subject matter in diverse ways.  As she states, ‘I am constantly exploring mood and light and how these transform the way we see nature particularly the visual and physical elements of the sea.  This is replicated in seascapes and beach geography as well as cultural activities such as historic sea baths and buildings.’

Merging natural and cultural marine elements together and omitting detail has shaped Jennifer’s unique painting style.  She alternates between loose brushwork and gritty surface applications creating highly textured works.  The result may be coined contemporary and expressive with gestural mark making creating an impression of spontaneity.  In these works, Jennifer aims to recreate the energy and atmosphere of marine life and create deeper understanding and feeling to the viewer.


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